Avoid the 'Woulda, coulda, shoulda' regrets, unnecessary expenses & stresses, while designing your own home.

(Online DIY tips, teleconferencing and other digital options

As 'chronic do it yourselvers', we can certainly appreciate the desire to design one's own home and attempting to avoid perceived cost savings by not hiring design professionals. For some, this is a worthwhile use of one's time and resources, while the majority, it very well may not be.....or at least not entirely on your own.

TMA Design is now available as a 'Design Your Own Home' resource. We can provide a wide range of assistance via design consultation, solar animations, 3d imagery, renderings and animations, along with drafting services to help you smooth out the design & construction process. By playing devil's advocate, offer alternatives and tweaks, muddle through material and energy efficiency options....all which will save you greater costs, time, improve the overall value, energy performance and livability of your home.

© 2008 TMA Design. All rights reserved. Last updated: 5/5/08.